JOIN US | Sundays at 9:00 or 10:30am

The Latest

Easter Choir

Celebrate the joy of Easter through music! The Westwood Easter Choir invites voices of all ages and skill levels to join us in preparing for a beautiful Easter service. Whether you’ve sung in choirs before or simply love to lift your voice in worship, we welcome you to be part of this special season of praise. Rehearsals will be held in the Auditorium on Mondays, March 24 & April 7, both at 6:30pm, and then again on Easter morning (April 20), with the worship team, prior to services. For more details, contact Kara Poissant or sign up below. We can’t wait to sing with you!

To sign up for upcoming events, see our online bulletin.

Connect This Week & Beyond

Honduras Mission Trip

Point Honduras is a non-profit organization working in some of Tegucigalpa’s most challenging neighborhoods, dedicated to sharing the Gospel and caring for the vulnerable. This is a fantastic opportunity for both adults and students to serve and experience the transformative power of mission work. Open to grades 9-12 and adults! You can sign up here!

Summer Softball

We invite you to be a part of our Westwood summer league that runs April 28 through the end of August! This men’s league will have doubleheaders every Monday and Tuesday evening at 6pm and 7pm. Registration is $40 for one night or $60 for both nights. Practices will be scheduled before the season. You can sign up here!

New Bible Studies

Two new Bible studies will begin on Sunday, March 30 at 10:30am at Westwood. Ten Men of the Bible and Walking Where Jesus Walked will both run through May 25 (not meeting Easter Sunday). You can find out more about both of these groups or sign up here!

Get Connected


Get plugged into a small group of people who are committed to building meaningful relationships, growing deeper in their faith, and impacting the community.


Once you’ve discovered your spiritual gifts, or “where you belong” in the church, it’s time to take action. Play music, teach kids, cook food – whatever you were made to do.


How do you go beyond Sunday? Learn ways to reach out into our community and with our mission partners to reach the world for Christ.

Current Sunday Message Series


The book of Proverbs compiles the wisdom of God into short, articulate sayings intended to help you understand what truly is the “good life“.  It is God’s guide to helping you discern and understand what it looks like to walk the path of wisdom that results in joy and harmony with how God has designed us to live. With vivid imagery and real life circumstances, Proverbs will challenge you to apply God’s truth to your real life in a way that you will experience “the good life“.