
Westwood’s Mission Partners

Westwood Church seeks to make disciples of all nations through both local and overseas mission partners. We will do this in several ways:
  • We equip and mobilize our church body to engage in evangelism by offering training classes throughout the year.
  • We oversee and provide opportunities for church attenders to serve locally and overseas with our mission partners.
  • We encourage, connect and support our current mission partners and bring their needs before the church body periodically.

Rich & Martha Millhouse, ReachGlobal, Hungary

Rich is excited about multiplying transformational churches among all people through the Strategic Partnering Team of ReachGlobal, where he explores, develops and facilitates partnering relationships with leaders in several European countries.

As we minister in Europe, one of our important needs is to raise up ministry partners who will join us through prayer and financial support for our ministry.

Terebinth Refuge, Waite Park, MN

Terebinth Refuge is a Christ-centered, non-profit shelter and transitional home that brings hope and provides strength based, trauma-informed and holistic services for sex trafficked and sexually exploited women, transitioning them from bondage to a life of health, stability and independence.

We value the uniqueness of each woman, in her cultural, ethnic and religious identity and provide each woman with individual opportunities for self-advocacy and personal growth.

Bruce & Jan Johnson, Ethnos 360, Bolivia

Tribal groups in Bolivia are often scattered in many isolated villages that are often wary and suspicious of outsiders. But videos are non-threatening. People let their guard down and listen. For that reason, we believe that well-done videos in the heart language of the people are a great tool.

Our goal is to prepare the Genesis Project video series for six Bolivian languages to help overcome some of the challenges among isolated villages. The Genesis Project videos teach foundational truths about God, creation, sin and the promised Savior. They provide an excellent accompaniment to the Jesus Film project that was completed in 2017.

Arrive Ministries, St. Cloud branch

Arrive Ministries is a Christian non-profit organization dedicated to the cause of the refugee and immigrant and exists to carry out God’s command to welcome and bring lifelong transformation to refugees and immigrants in Minnesota.

This is accomplished through the provision of Refugee Reception and Placement Services, Refugee Employment Services, Refugee Cash Assistance, Immigration Legal Services, ESL classes and tutoring, community development programs, and other outreach services.

Bruce K, Frontiers, Asia

Frontiers is an international movement of over a thousand workers from dozens of countries in North America, Asia, Europe, Africa and South America. Workers come from a wide variety of worship traditions, some embracing charismatic spiritual gifts, some following a liturgical form of worship, etc. With the hope of the Gospel message, Frontiers and the local Church are transforming societies and eradicating injustice throughout the Muslim world.

Cru Ministries

Cru has been on campuses for over 60 years, helping students come to know Jesus, grow in their faith and then go to their families, their communities and all over the world to tell others about God’s love.

At Cru, you’ll find a community of people who care deeply about one another and who are excited about helping others know Jesus. Cru helps students come to know Jesus, grow in their faith, then go to their families, their communities and all over the world to tell others about God’s love.

Pregnancy Resource Center

The mission of Pregnancy Resource Center is to share the love of Jesus Christ by preserving the lives of unborn children and meeting the specific physical, emotional and spiritual needs of our clients through medical, educational and counseling services.

PRC is committed to assisting women carry to term by providing emotional support and practical assistance. Through the provision of God’s people and the community at large, women may face the future with hope and plan constructively for themselves and their babies.

Youth for Christ

Central MN Youth for Christ exists to prepare leaders, to pursue lost kids, and to propel them into a life of following Jesus.

At Central Minnesota Youth for Christ we want each and every young person to leave our programs saying, “I mattered to these people. They listened to me. I want to come back!” We strive to reach young people everywhere by working with local churches and community partners to enable teens to develop a healthy and balanced lifestyle–mentally, socially, physically and spiritually.

Nicole Cook, InterVarsity Christian Fellowship

We believe that God has called us to reach every corner of every campus.

For over 75 years InterVarsity has had a vital presence on hundreds of college campuses, courageously proclaiming Jesus as Lord and Savior, engaging in discipleship around scripture, and loving people of every ethnicity and culture.

Camp Lebanon

Camp Lebanon is dedicated to providing A Meeting Place with God to help the Church do the work of Christ. More than a slogan, Camp Lebanon’s identity has been a “Meeting Place with God” since its founding in 1947.

Through the “funnest” fun, loving relationships, beauty inside and out, and Truth declared and illustrated, Camp Lebanon guests-both young and old-will taste the delight of being desired by their Creator God.

Camp Shamineau

The Mission Statement of Camp Shamineau is to create relevant camping experiences for children and youth for the purpose of:

  • Sharing the Gospel of Christ
  • Encouraging growth in Christ
  • Providing training for the Christian leaders of tomorrow.

Jeremy and Carolyn Holt, InFaith Ministries

InFaith Ministries raises up local US missionaries who seek to find the dark places in our local communities and see where Jesus needs to shine by calling people to conversion and discipling them in their walk of faith. 

Jeremy Holt is a Westwood alumni, who grew up here in St. Cloud. He and his wife Carolyn serve in Easter Kentucky, serving as teachers, coaches, and disciple-makers.

Point Honduras, Tegucigalpa, Honduras

The ministry in Honduras is focused on sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ through the church caring for the most vulnerable and disadvantaged of society by meeting the daily physical, spiritual, educational, emotional and social needs.

The ministry in Honduras has staff and volunteers serving in local churches, clinics, children’s homes, and children’s programs in Tegucigalpa, Honduras.